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About Annabelle Candy Company®

The Annabelle Candy Company, also known as Annabelle's, is a Hayward, California, USA, based candy manufacturer. The company was founded in San Francisco, California in 1950 by Russian immigrant Sam Altshuler, who named the company after his daughter. The company manufactures ten sorts of candy bar, with the most popular being the Rocky Road candy bar, (which features the "Rocky road" flavor of marshmallow, chocolate, and cashews) ranked among the top 35-40 best selling chocolate bars on the West Coast of the United States. The company moved to its present location in Hayward, California in 1965. In 1972, Annabelle Candy Company purchased the Golden Nugget Company and in 1978 the Cardinet Candy Company adding the Big Hunk, Look, U-NO and Abba Zaba candy bars to its line of products.