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About Warner Bros.®

Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (commonly known as Warner Bros., Warners, or simply WB) is an American entertainment company that produces film, television and music entertainment. As one of the major film studios, it is a division of Time Warner, with its headquarters in Burbank, California. Warner Bros. has several subsidiary companies, including Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television, Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock Entertainment, and DC Entertainment. Warner Bros. owns half of The CW Television Network.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview procedure at Warner Bros. is typical. There is a basic skills assessment which covers subjects including but not limited to reading, writing, speaking, and basic math. Applicants must bring their resume with them to the interview. Some applicants go through a online screening prior to progressing to an in person interview. Former employees have reported that it is important to show that you are capable of coping with stressful situations, working in a fast paced environment, have a flexible schedule, and collaborating with others. Once through the interview process, all new hires are required to go through a basic training.