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About Walgreens®

Strategically aligned with Europe's Alliance Boots, Walgreens are a part of the first international health and wellness enterprise. The white scripted W on a red card is the logo of a neighborhood retailer that is a trusted wellness provider offering prescriptions and additional health services to local communities. They offer comprehensive health, dental and vision plans to employees. Benefits also include FSAs and Wellness programs for employees and families. Operating for over a century, a Walgreens location can be found in every state and now abroad as well. More than 240,000 employees offer their expertise to customers.

Types of jobs you could find at Walgreens®

Beauty Advisor

Required to build relationships and keep current on trends and products. Monthly meeting provide opportunities to review exclusive lines and new merchandise first. Hone your sales and customer service skills in this role. This is a great position for those who love all things beauty.

Customer Service Associate

Provide excellent customer service during daily interactions. Responsibilities include cash register operations, customer service, merchandising, store inventory and maintenance of displays. Opportunities for advancement are available.

Wellness Guide

Excellent communication skills are necessary to provide customers with information on wellness products and general questions. This role help to build loyalty and provides a venue to demonstrate your knowledge base.

Why People Recommend Working at Walgreens®

  • They have flexible hours.
  • Walgreen's provides great benefits.
  • Good customer service training and management skills building for future jobs, especially those new to management.