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About TGI Friday's®

TGI Fridays is one of the leading private restaurants in the region that offers a wide variety of services in the casual dining line. The well-celebrated bar in New York gave birth to what is known as the cocktail party. The company has over 700 outlets in more than 20 countries. TGI Fridays over the years has played a major role in redefining what fun is to the young people, and has built and driven great core values.

Types of jobs you could find at TGI Friday's®

Restaurant Supervisor

The Manager will be responsible for the day to day running of the unit branch. All the planning, organizing and implementing of all the company's services will be entrusted to the individual. The candidate will ensure that each assigned task to him are delivered within the scope of time and done efficiently. They will act as a link between the team and the top managers to collect information on the daily activities of that location.


As a dishwasher you will be expected to provide guests and fellow employees with clean and sanitized utensils, plates, glassware and equipment. You will clean and sanitize the service area and kitchen throughout shift.


The candidate should be passionate about food, reliable and easy to work under pressure. The individual will be responsible of setting and ordering supplies for the company. This person must be able to multitask and stay cool under pressure.

Why People Recommend Working at TGI Friday's®

  • They offer a great discount on food.
  • A very fun atmosphere to work in.
  • Good benefits provided to all full-time employees.