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About Tenet Healthcare®

Tenet Healthcare Corporation is a multinational investor-owned healthcare services company based in Dallas, Texas. Through its brands, subsidiaries, joint ventures, and partnerships, as of June 2015 Tenet operates nine facilities in the United Kingdom and over 400 outpatient centers in 16 states. Also in the US, Tenet operates 20 "short-stay" surgical hospitals and 87 general acute-care hospitals in 14 states, primarily in California, Florida, Michigan and Texas. Tenet has more than 20,000 licensed beds and 130,000 employees, and the company’s hospitals offer acute, coronary and critical care; operating and recovery rooms; clinical laboratories and pharmacies; and radiology, respiratory, oncology, orthopedic, physical therapy and organ transplant services. Tenet also operates six health plans and 12 accountable care networks. Since its founding in 1967, Tenet has launched a number of brands and acquired several large health care companies. In 2008 Tenet founded Conifer Health Solutions, which serves more than 700 clients in the healthcare industry, including nearly 300 hospitals. As of 2015, Conifer processes $25 billion in net revenue annually and operates in 42 states. Tenet launched MedPost Urgent Care in May 2014, which is a network of urgent care centers based in the lower United States. In 2013, Tenet completed its acquisition of Vanguard Health Systems, Inc., an investor-owned hospital company whose operations complemented Tenet's existing business. The acquisition created the third-largest investor-owned hospital company in the U.S. in terms of revenue and the third-largest in number of hospitals owned. In June 2015, Tenet acquired United Surgical Partners International (USPI), which made Tenet the largest operator of outpatient surgery centers in the United States. Shortly after, Tenet moved from No. 229 to No. 170 on the Fortune 500.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview process at Tenet Healthcare is typical. There is a basic skills assessment which covers subjects including but not limited to reading, writing, articulation, and simple math. Applicants must bring their resume with them to the interview. Some applicants go through a phone screening before progressing to an in person interview. Current employees have reported that it is important to show that you are capable of coping with stressful situations, working in a fast paced environment, have a flexible schedule, and communicating with colleagues. Once through the application process, all new hires are required to go through a formal training.