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About Sweet Frog®

Sweet Frog (stylised as sweetFrog - Premium Frozen Yogurt) is a chain of frozen yogurt retail stores owned and operated by Sweet Frog Enterprises, LLC. Sweet Frog customers create their own soft-serve frozen yogurt with numerous flavors and toppings from which to choose. Derek Cha, who immigrated to the United States from South Korea at the age of 12, is the founder of Sweet Frog. He started the first Sweet Frog store in Richmond, Virginia in 2009, at a time when the United States economy was in recession, and frozen yogurt was most popular on the west coast of the United States. Much like Chick-fil-A, and In-N-Out Burger, Cha founded Sweet Frog on Christian principles. The "FROG" part of the name, according to Cha, is actually an acronym for "Fully Rely on God". The Sweet Frog stores' interiors are distinctively painted pink and green, and the typical store consists of seven or eight frozen yogurt machines, toppings bars and Sweet Frog merchandise, much of which is centered on Sweet Frog's mascots "Scoop" and "Cookie".

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview process at Sweet Frog is similar to competitors. There is a basic skills assessment which covers topics including but not limited to reading, writing, speaking, and simple math. Applicants must bring their resume with them to the interview. Some applicants go through a phone screening before progressing to an in person interview. Former employees have reported that it is important to show that you are capable of handling stressful situations, working in a fast paced setting, have a flexible schedule, and collaborating with others. Once through the screening process, all new hires are required to go through a basic training.