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About Sprouts®

Sprouts whose headquarters is in Phoenix is a line of grocery stores based in America with well over 200 outlets all over the states. Unlike your typical grocery mart, Sprouts' stores are relatively smaller with a focus on healthy living by stocking fresh products from farms across America as well as nutritional supplements. The services provided by Sprouts are invaluable in this age of fast foods by offering a one-stop shop for all your grocery needs.

Types of jobs you could find at Sprouts®

Grocery Clerk

He is the first person the customers should meet and id therefore responsible for customer relations and giving directions within the grocery store. Invoice keeping is also part of the clerk's job and general housekeeping in the department. The job requires a High School Diploma or at least a month of job experience, an outgoing personality, as the Grocery Clerk is the main point of interaction with the customers.

Senior Produce Clerk

This job requires the clerk to be a part if preparation of the inventory and carrying out routine management practices not limited to cleaning and operation of machinery during loading and movement. A High School Diploma is necessary for application for this post, knowledge in the operation of machinery and a friendly demeanor.

Deli Clerk

The deli clerk will provide customer service by answering to all enquiries and ensure that food handling is at its highest standard and all rules and regulations are adhered. Applicants should have high school diploma and experience relevant to the position.

Why People Recommend Working at Sprouts®

  • 15% employee discount on purchases to encourage internal purchases and this serves as a great reward system for employees. With this reduction in prices for employees, sales are promoted translating to more profits which can be felt by the same employees through pay rises and promotions.
  • Great management- worker relationship. The management at Sprouts puts the needs of the employee first to make the working conditions very favorable. The employees are entitled to off days. Any complaints like delayed payments are addressed on time and put to rest through the management system.
  • It is easy to move up in rank and salary. Within the store there are several positions that vary in status and payment, Sprouts makes it easy to move from one position to another within the store. This is a great morale booster for prospective employees as it sets the store apart from other grocery shops.