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About Sonic®

The popular Oklahoma based drive-in has over 3500 restaurants in almost all the States of the country serving well over 3 million customers every day through drive-ins. The fast food franchise serves a wide range of fast foods from classic burgers and French fries to its selection of drinks like milkshakes and soft drinks; other items on the menu consist of hot dogs and sundae desserts. The company has also set up shop along beaches especially in Florida to expand its services, Sonic Beaches has been started as a sub-chain of Sonic and in addition to the usual seafood at such spots they also serve beer and wine

Types of jobs you could find at Sonic®


Sonic is interested in hiring cooks and chefs with exemplary cooking skills to maintain the high quality of food that has seen its success as a fast food business. The chef should be able to develop world-class recipes and work under pressure. Having a job background working for other competitive franchises and training in culinary courses is a top requirement to be shortlisted as a potential employee.

Assistant Manager

Your duties as an assistant manager will involve following up on complaints from both staff and employees, the job offers a competitive salary compared to other establishments so a good work experience is mandatory preferably in the fast food business.

Crew Member

Sonic is looking to hire a crew member to assist with serving all customers. Applicants should be able to handle different responsibilities every day. As you will interact with clients every day a friendly, cheerful attitude is an added advantage.

Why People Recommend Working at Sonic®

  • Great staff to work with. Friendly staff well versed with interpersonal relations is a welcome idea for any new employees.
  • Easy to get the working days you prefer. It is relatively simple to choose when you want to work and communication with the management will help you work out a work plan.
  • Fun working environment. Employees of Sonic get to meet so many people due to the nature of its business drive-ins are a favorite stop for tourists from all around America, a great interaction opportunity for the employees.