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About Social Security Administration®

The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is an independent agency of the United States federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings; the claimant's benefits are based on the wage earner's contributions. The Social Security Administration was established by a law codified at 42 U.S.C. § 901. Its current commissioner, Carolyn W. Colvin (Acting), was sworn in on February 14, 2013, succeeding Michael J. Astrue. SSA is headquartered in Woodlawn, Maryland, just to the west of Baltimore, at what is known as Central Office. The agency includes 10 regional offices, 8 processing centers, approximately 1300 field offices, and 37 Teleservice Centers. As of 2007, about 62,000 people were employed by SSA. Headquarters non-supervisory employees of SSA are represented by American Federation of Government Employees Local 1923. Social Security is the largest social welfare program in the United States. For the year 2014, the net cost of social security was 906.4 billion dollars which accounted for 21% of government expenditure. It has been named the 6th best place to work in the federal government.