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About Sheetz®

Sheetz is a brand of huge convenience stores which prides itself in selling a variety of products. Their stores are double the size of an average 7-11 and there are more than 435 Sheetz around the United States. These convenience stores are often paired with gas stations and offer groceries, baked goods, sandwiches, and a self-service car wash. The organization has been around since 1952 when the Sheetz family opened it, and they are now one of the most recognized and respected convenience store brand.

Types of jobs you could find at Sheetz®


Sheetz salespeople are expected to interact with customers and provide a friendly customer services. You are also expected to ring up transactions in the register and clean your designated section. You must follow the policies and procedures at all times to ensure there are no issues.

Shift Supervisor

The shift supervisor is responsible for interacting with the customers, overseeing the day-to-day operations, prioritize projects, and maintain store clean. You are also expected to train and coach employees on the protocols of the store.

Assistant Store Manager

The assistant store manager is expected to supervise all store employees, hire and train new employees, monitor compliance of policies and procedures closely. You will also be expected to strategize on how to improve sales and ensure all programs are being executed flawlessly.

Why People Recommend Working at Sheetz®

  • Schedules are flexible and the atmosphere is very relaxed and supportive.
  • All employees get raises on a regular basis.
  • The pay is excellent along with the excellent benefits they provide.