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About Save A Lot®

Save-A-Lot was established in 1977 to act as a neighborhood option for large supermarkets. Bill Moran, the founder, opened the first store Cahokia. Bill Moran remained with the Company until he retired in 2006. Moran oversaw the Company's expansion to over 1000 locations. Save-A-Lot deals with exclusive brands and competes with several chains with similar business models. Save-A-Lot operates a chain of grocery retail stores across U.S. It stores, private level groceries such as canned goods, cereals, baking products, private label groceries, beverages, condiments, eggs and dairies, fresh produce products for the garden, meats, vegetables, fruits, snacks, ice, and spices. Save-A-Lot is a subsidiary of SUPERVALU, Inc. More than 2/3 of the stores are licensed. The rest is owned and operated by the Company.

Types of jobs you could find at Save A Lot®

Assistant Manager

Save-A-Lot needs an assistant Manager who is expected to be ambitious, dedicated, and one who faces matters bravely. We need a person who effects good communication skills and treats employees with respect.

Distribution Supervisor

As a Distribution Supervisor, it is expected of you to be compliant with the organizational rules and monitor all day-to-day activities. You should also ensure that productivity standards are followed and established. Supervise all the orders and ensure duties are carried out accordingly.

Business Unit Director

Save-A-Lot needs a Business Unit Director, who is expected to have excellent leadership qualities, and ensure all the units are operating accordingly. You are also charged with the responsibility of analyzing and approving market growth opportunities.

Why People Recommend Working at Save A Lot®

  • Save-A-Lot offers their employee discount on goods and services they acquire inside the organization.
  • Employees also get a chance to enjoy flexible working hours on their daily working schedules.
  • During their first days of work, employees are given enough training that enables them to cope efficiently with the new working environment.