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About Procter & Gamble®

P&G is a household name on a global scale that deals with consumer goods. Started in Ohio it has grown to multinational status with its line of household goods, personal care products, laundry detergents, beauty products, pet food and childcare products. Procter and Gamble employ approximately 121000 people who work in the different sectors, from beauty consultants to industrial experts. The company not only has thousands of shops that sell its products it also has an online shopping system for customers to easily place orders and have them delivered right at their homes.

Types of jobs you could find at Procter & Gamble®

Associate CMK Manager

If you're the type of person that has amazing public relation skills and a passion for leadership through the promotion of brands, this position is just the right fit for you. P&G is looking for someone who can drive the company forward by increasing sales and marketing new brands. To be considered, a background in human resource studies and management will come in handy during the hiring process.

Business Analyst

The primary role of business analysts is to oversee decision-making and guide P&G into an analytic backed system of operation. The analyst will also offer suggestions to senior management on trends and changes in market dynamics as well as ways of embedding modern methods of operation into the company. To qualify it is necessary to have an IT knowledge and relevant work experience as an analyst for a known establishment.

Sales Representative

This position involves working to sell and distribute brands from P&G. You will be able to work with other team members to come up with plans that constantly give brands at P&G a competitive advantage. Applicants should be outspoken and very fluent in English.

Why People Recommend Working at Procter & Gamble®

  • Friendly professional staff. The hiring criteria that is based on prospective employees who can work with others and put the needs of the customer first puts new employees at a great place to settle in and begin building their careers as well as themselves as individuals.
  • Great employee relationships. Outdoor sporting activities create positive rivalry as well as teamwork as a key part in the success of the company.
  • Highly ethical employee code. The ethical specifications are a way of keeping employees in line by fostering respect and professional relationships within the staff.