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About Piggly Wiggly®

Piggly Wiggly is a supermarket chain that operates more than 600 stores in 17 states in the Midwestern and Southern regions of the United States. The first location opened in 1916 as the country's first self-serve grocery store that allowed customers to choose their own groceries. Today, Piggly Wiggly is an affiliate of C&S Wholesale Grocers Inc., a company that serves some of the largest supermarket chains in the nation. Customers at Piggly Wiggly can expect to find fresh produce, meat, and even Piggly Wiggly apparel and novelties.

Types of jobs you could find at Piggly Wiggly®


Piggly Wiggly hires cashiers at all locations to provide excellent customer service to shoppers. Cashiers also help customers find items, clean the store, and bag groceries when necessary.

Produce Clerk

Produce clerks are responsible for stocking the produce shelves, ensuring that all produce is fresh, and help customers when necessary. Excellent customer service skills are needed.

Warehouse Worker

Responsibilities include loading trucks, maneuvering motorized equipment, and keeping inventory of all stock. Previous warehouse experience would be helpful.

Why People Recommend Working at Piggly Wiggly®

  • Employees receive a discount on groceries.
  • They provide flexible work hours.
  • Everyone receives thorough job training.