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About Neiman Marcus®

Neiman Marcus was founded in Dallas Texas in 1907 by Herbert Marcus Sr., his sister Carrie Marcus Neiman and her husband, A.L. Neiman. Known today as a luxury specialty retailer, the founders of Neiman Marcus banked on the idea that wealthy Dallas residents needed a high-end department store in which to purchase sophisticated fashions that were not otherwise available in Dallas. By all accounts, they were right; in the first few weeks, the original Neiman Marcus store had sold out of its entire inventory. In addition to operating 41 Neiman Marcus stores across the country, the company also operates two Bergdorf Goodman stores in New York City.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The majority of applicants that interview for a position at Neiman Marcus report a positive interview experience. Potential employees can expect a fairly straightforward interview process consisting of a face-to-face or group interview with a store manager in which standard interview questions are posed. An example might include a question such as, "How would you sell this sweater to a customer?" Management positions may be required to take a personality test, be asked to submit to a drug test and participate in a group interview. Potential employees can apply online or in person, and phone interviews are sometimes conducted.