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About Merck®

Merck is a pharmaceutical company that traces its origins back to Germany in 1668. A family run chemical pharmaceutical company that spanned several generations in Germany was moved to the US when George Merck emigrated in 1891. In 1917 it was established as an independent American company. Today, Merck is one of the world?s largest pharmaceutical companies, discovering, developing, manufacturing and marketing a broad range of products meant to improve the lives of humans and animals. Additionally, the company also publishes The Merck Manuals, including the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, known to be the best selling medical textbook in the world.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The majority of applicants that interview for a position with Merck report a positive interview experience. Potential employees can expect a fairly straightforward interview process consisting of a face-to-face and/or group panel interview, in which a skills test and a personality test are given. A standard interview question might include, "Tell me about how you solve problems." Potential employees can apply online or in person, and phone interviews are sometimes conducted prior to the face-to-face interview. Applicants who are offered positions can expect to submit to a background check.