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About Maverick Transportation®

Maverick Trucking is a family-owned and operated transportation and logistics company founded 36 years ago. Throughout the years, the company has become an industry leader by building their reputation on safety, innovation, technology, and a adopting a progressive approach of doing things. At the moment, the company operates an estimated 1,500 units from one coast to another from Canada all the way to Mexico. Today, it prides itself in providing customized logistics solutions to some of the country's finest corporations. Recently, the company launched its new Temperature Control Division to enable it deliver the same level of professional services that it has been delivering for the last 36 years. Backed by a strong team of over 2,000 employees and state-of-the-art equipments, the company is able to deliver the best, reliable, and affordable transportation services in the region. Maverick Trucking has a policy of employing only the best people because only the best people want to work for them.

Types of jobs you could find at Maverick Transportation®

Driving opportunities

Prime Trucking is looking for qualified drivers to add to its pool of drivers. The ideal candidate must be at least 21 years old with a valid driving license. The applicant must also have a verifiable work history and references and be able to pass a physical compliant test. Besides that, he or she should also pass drugs test as this is one of the criterion the company uses when hiring.

Tire Bay Tech

Prime Trucking is hiring a qualified, hardworking and motivated individual to fill the position of a tire bay technician. The primary roles of the tire bay technician will be to repair damaged truck tires and examining defective tires and tubes returned by drivers. Applicants that have a high school diploma or GED are encouraged to apply. Candidates must also have a flexible schedule, with the ability to work nights and weekends.

Why People Recommend Working at Maverick Transportation®

  • Health insurance benefits to all employees.
  • Shorter working hours. The company sticks to 10 hour work days required at all levels of leadership.
  • The company provides weekly time off meaning you get more time to be with your family.