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About Long John Silver's®

The first Long John Silver's was opened in 1983 in Singapore. The restaurant has developed due to the growing consumer demand . Our mission is to provide each customer healthily, great tasting, reasonably priced fish, and seafood in a hospitable manner. Long John Silver's has signature seafood dishes that are only available at our restaurant . We have 20 Long John Silver's restaurants in the major complexes that lie along the MRT networks. The restaurants are situated in prime locations where customers can enjoy our excellent dishes . Long John Silver's has something for everyone and has put into consideration all the customers' tastes and preferences. The location offers the perfect place for friends and families to dine together. Over the years since its establishment, Long John Silver's has developed tremendously playing a crucial role in the local fast food arena.

Types of jobs you could find at Long John Silver's®


Long John Silver's is looking for a dishwasher who shall be required to work on a full-time basis. As a dishwasher, you shall be expected to maintain the pans, dishes, trays, pots, and work areas in a clean and orderly manner. Essential duties and responsibilities include complying with safety procedures, maintaining chemical and temperature levels and using the burnishing machine to polish silver surfaces.

Product Specialist

Long John Silver's is looking for a communication product lifecycle specialist who shall take a role in engagement, execution, critical business development, and project management. One shall be expected to support the organization's management. You shall also foster organizational accountability since you shall be in the product support service team. One shall also be expected to implement and facilitate the product lifecycle.

Restaurant general Manager and Assistant

Long John Silver's is looking for a restaurant general Manager who shall be expected to control all the activities that should be carried out by the entire management. One shall be expected to comply with the existing strategies and work to make sure our restaurants reach a wider market. As a general Manager, one shall be expected to lead the team of workers in enhancing good customer services.

Why People Recommend Working at Long John Silver's®

  • All our employees enjoy flexible hours of work, and simple job application.