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About Las Vegas Sands Corp.®

Sheldon G. Adelson (Chairman & CEO) Sands Corp. (LVSC) is an American casino and resort operating company based in Paradise, Nevada, USA. Its resorts feature accommodations, gaming and entertainment, convention and exhibition facilities, restaurants and clubs, as well as an art and science museum in Singapore. It has several resorts in the United States and Asia. Among its properties in the United States are two resorts on the Las Vegas Strip: The Venetian and The Palazzo. Also in the United States is the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. In Asia, the Marina Bay Sands located in Singapore is the most recent addition to the company's portfolio. Through its majority-owned subsidiary Sands China Ltd., the company owns several properties in Macau, including The Venetian Macao, The Plaza Macao, Four Seasons Hotel Macao and the Four Seasons-branded apartments at the Sands Cotai Central development, as well as the Sands Macao on the Macau peninsula. The company is opened a 6,400-room complex at the Sands Cotai Central in 2012, which featured the Sheraton, St. Regis, Holiday Inn, and Intercontinental hotel brands.