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About KFC®

It's perhaps the single most known fried chicken establishment in the world, with its origin in Louisville, Kentucky the Kentucky Fried Chicken chain of restaurants serves chicken as its main food item. The easily recognizable food `bucket ' from KCF has expanded its reach over the years to grow out of America as its native home to thousands of restaurants in other countries to provide other chicken products like chicken fillet burgers and accompaniments like salads and French fries. The popular eatery for many Americans has seen the company grow to be the regional leader in the fast food industry in the country and the world with 18,000 in over 100 countries.

Types of jobs you could find at KFC®

KFC Team Members

KFC is looking to hire a team member who will be serving up KFC goodness to customers every day. You will be in constant interaction will clients and hence applicants should be friendly and have a good command of English.

Shift Supervisor

As a huge enterprise employing thousands of people the shift supervisor should handle changes during a shift by ensuring employees report on time and equal distribution of job duties. He should be a team leader who relates well with the employees and possessing good problem-solving techniques. Part of the job requirements specifies the need to have a private form of transportation to work.

Assistant Restaurant Manager

The job basically entails taking charge in the absence of the General Manager to run the restaurant, other roles will include handling employee issues and dealing with customer's concerns. The potential employee should have an outgoing demeanor always eager to assist where possible. To qualify a Diploma in hospitality is required and referees to places you have worked before for not less than 3 years.

Why People Recommend Working at KFC®

  • A Listening caring management. A management framework that pays attention to its employees is on its own a path to success.
  • Good learning place for future business owners with a senior mentorship from seasoned employees.