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About J. R. Simplot Company®

The J. R. Simplot Company, commonly referred to as Simplot, was founded in 1929 by 20-year-old John Richard Simplot near the small agricultural community of Declo in south central Idaho. The business expanded due to high war profits serving the military dehydrated onions and potatoes during World War II. The firm was legally incorporated as the J. R. Simplot Company in 1955. Simplot made billions from the commercialization of frozen french fries by one of its scientists, chemist Ray L. Dunlap. By the early 1970s it was the primary supplier of french fries to McDonald's; by 2005 it supplied more than half of all french fries for the fast food chain. Simplot also produces fertilizers for agriculture the mining of which has been a cause of recent environmental concerns. Simplot is now one of the largest privately owned companies in the world (ranked 59th in Private Companies by Forbes magazine in 2004) and has branches in Australia, Canada, Mexico, China, and several other regions. One of the major plants is in Caldwell, Idaho. J. R. Simplot retired as president of his company in 1973, but remained involved for many years. He stepped down as chairman of the board in 1994, and held the title of Chairman Emeritus until his death in 2008.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview process at J. R. Simplot Company is straightforward. There is a common skills assessment which covers topics including but not limited to reading, writing, speaking, and basic math. Applicants must bring their resume with them to the interview. Some applicants go through a phone screening before progressing to an in person interview. Current employees have reported that it is important to show that you are capable of handling stressful situations, working in a fast paced setting, have a flexible schedule, and collaborating with others. Once through the application process, all new employees are required to go through a formal training.