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About H&M®

H & M was founded in 1946 by Erling Persson during a business trip in The USA. The idea came after he developed the urge to offer fashionable clothes at friendly prices. He opened his first shop in Sweden in 1947. The shop started its activities by specializing in women's clothes. H&M has opened various subsidiaries worldwide. It has an expansion in Europe with over 200 stores. H & M has been ranked as the most-valuable global brand by the branding consultancy. The Company's full name is Hennes and Mauritz. It was rebranded to H&M so as to simplify the perception of the brand.

Types of jobs you could find at H&M®

Associate Manager

H & M needs an associate Manager who shall help in supporting the general Managers in enhancing our customer services. As an associate Manager, one shall be expected to abide by the strategies in our organization and help other workers understand the primary role of our organization.

Department Manager

H & M needs a worker who shall be able to inspire his team and work to realize good sales figures. One shall be expected to use his business knowledge to enhance the growth and development of the entire organization. The Department Manager shall be expected ensure department members enhance good customer service and organize their staff with an aim of maximizing profits.

Sales consultant

H & M needs a sales consultant who shall be able to follow our store routines, policies, rules and, regulations. As a sales consultant, one shall be expected to help customers, communicate with manager and team members ad improve efficiency of day to day tasks.

Why People Recommend Working at H&M®

  • H&M offers its employees a high pay.
  • Employees are trained during the first few days of work.
  • Employees enjoy flexible working hours.