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About Hertz®

Hertz was established in the USA in 1918. Hertz operates in 145 nations worldwide. The Company has earned global credentials and has subsidiaries in 6 different continents. Hertz is one of the global car rental Companies that provide quality service in car renting. Hertz has been one of the leading car service providers for over 90 years. Hertz offers services to individuals that require large deliveries or even a move across the town. Hertz continues to be a respected Company in the entire South Africa since it has been able to develop the market it's cars throughout the world. Hertz is an extremely competitive company within the car industry. The success has been realized due to their absolute commitment to superior customer service.

Types of jobs you could find at Hertz®

Vehicle Service Attendant

Hertz needs a Vehicle Service Attendant, who must have a clean driving record, and must possess a driving license. Applicants should have a remarkable educational background and detailed experience. You should also have the ability to drive different vehicles. You should maintain efficient verbal communication with the rest of the staff members. Tasks will include vehicle preparation and maintaining cars to a the level expected.

Sales and Services Associate

Hertz is looking for a Sales and Services Associate. As a sales and services, associate, one shall be expected to be an enthusiast, and a person determined to show his best. The sales and services, associate shall be expected to uphold company standards , clean the facilities and offer excellent customer service.

Branch Manager

A Branch Manager is responsible for business objectives with a focus on profitability. He or she will manage all employees with proper training and setting expectations. The focus on building professional relationships with all customers is a must.

Why People Recommend Working at Hertz®

  • Employees are offered benefits such as life insurance and tuition reimbursement.
  • Employees are allowed discounts on services offered.
  • Employees are awarded a vacation every year.