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About Hardee's®

It's impossible to mention fast food without having Hardee's in mind, started in 1960 it serves the Southern and Mid-Western states through its chain of fast food restaurants with a wide range of delicious foods on the go. Hardee's has set itself apart by offering delicious yet healthy menus like low carb dishes served throughout the day so you can pop in for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In addition to this, customers get to win coupons on selected dishes like its famous burgers as well as amazing offers on purchases.

Types of jobs you could find at Hardee's®

Shift Manager

The manager's role is to inspect and oversee employee shifts, this is in terms of timetabling, payments on overtimes and also specifying the work to be done during each shift. The applicants for the job should have a relevant job experience, training in accounting related courses is also a requirement.

Gourmet Chef

For this job you should have undergone training in food and nutrition and also worked at a reputable restaurant for at least 5 years, the chef should have extensive knowledge in preparation of the dishes served in the restaurant. The job entails cooking on different levels as well as coordination of new staff at a more senior level.

Crew Person

This job requires one to be able to work on their feet and have great customer service skills. It will entail daily interactions with customers. Applicants should be able to operate computers with ease and have great customer service skills.

Why People Recommend Working at Hardee's®

  • Great learning environment for beginners in the fast food market. The serving employees of the restaurants have a long standing experience in the preparation of food and this offers a good learning atmosphere for those whose skills have not yet fully developed. Competence makes up one of the main policies of the company and as a new employee you stand to gain a lot through your work there.
  • Little experience required as you will learn more on the job. If you are barely out of school or have little work experience instead of this being a setback it can be turned into an opportunity to acquire more along the way. Hardee's aims at forming an efficient highly skilled staff team who have a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Payments are made on time. As an employee of Hardee's you shouldn't worry about late payment of rents because your wages are due at the right time, the franchise is aware of the hassle that comes with no money so it is a top priority to have payments made at the right time.