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About Hannaford®

Originally, Hannaford got its start as a fruit and vegetable stand back in 1883. Through the years, the company expanded to become an upscale grocer that currently has more than 180 stores. While the company started in Maine, today Hannaford Supermarkets are now found in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and upstate New York. These supermarkets continue to focus on produce, but they also provide natural food products and large meat selections. Nearly 80% of today's Hannaford stores combine supermarkets with pharmacies.

Types of jobs you could find at Hannaford®


Hannaford is hiring for Cashier positions, and job functions for cashiers include collecting money from customers, packaging and bagging merchandise, greeting customers, providing prompt assistance and service, scanning customer purchases, and the ability to recognize various types of produce. Duties include following company policies, cleaning check-stands, complying with safety standards, and performing price check functions. Qualifications for the mob include meeting minimum age requirements, the ability to perform the job's technical requirements, and excellent customer service skills.

Meat Market/Seafood Sales Associate

Currently, Meat Market/Seafood Sales Associate Jobs are available with Hannaford. Essential job functions include wrapping, weighing, pricing, and identifying meat department items, as well as stocking and displaying products. Duties may include replenishing merchandise, setting up displays, assisting meat cutters, and receiving seafood and meat delivers. Applicants should have excellent selling skills, great communication skills, and the ability to work in a team environment.

Customer Service Leader

Customer Service Leaders are needed by Hannaford, and the job involves offering excellent customer service, helping maintain work schedules, dealing with cash pickups, and the verification of customer IDs for the sale of alcohol and tobacco. Responsibilities may include meeting physical requirements, dealing with refunds, and supervising the performance of other associates. Important qualifications include customer service and communication skills, willingness to learn technical requirements, and the ability to perform service center and cashier jobs.

Why People Recommend Working at Hannaford®

  • Hannaford provides employees with a flexible schedule and managers are willing to schedule hours around college or other jobs.
  • Employees are offered plenty of earned vacation time and excellent holiday pay.
  • Generous starting pay is offered, even for individuals that have no prior experience.
  • Solid advancement opportunities are available to employees willing to work hard for the company.