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About Greatwide Logistics®

Greatwide Logistics is dedicated to the creation and maintenance of relationships between the company and clients. Greatwide works to make sure that employees, customers, and providers are happy with our service and that they feel like they are a part of our company. We will work to respect and support our capacity providers, motivate and retain professional employees, and provide our people with the support and leadership that they need to truly succeed. Greatwide is focused on provided exceptional customer care and employee care as well in a safe environment that is both nurturing and efficient. We value team work and customer focus and have for years. In 2011 over 442 million miles were driven by Greatwide drivers and fever than 3.1 collisions per million miles occurred. 6 out of 10 of the top grocery retailers use Greatwide and we hope to continue to grow our company and provide exceptional customer care for years to come.

Types of jobs you could find at Greatwide Logistics®

Driver position

JB Hunt is looking for qualified and experienced truck drivers to fill the existing job openings. Desirable applicants must demonstrate high levels of professionalism and timely response. On the same note, they must also be holders of driver's license and have prior experience in driving heavy commercial vehicles. Benefits of becoming a truck driver at JB Hunt include having access to voluntary group healthcare plans, weekly settlements and a choice of compensation plans among other outstanding benefits.

Marketing and sales

Responsibilities for this position include accomplishing sales and marketing objectives of the company by planning, developing, and implementing advertising programs to help the company realize its marketing goals. Other responsibilities include identifying marketing opportunities to foster growth and preparing marketing tools and resources. The candidate should have product development skills and territory management skills among other things. Besides that, they should also possess a certificate in sales and marketing. Prior experience in sales and marketing in the transportation industry is a plus.

Why People Recommend Working at Greatwide Logistics®

  • Health insurance benefits to all employees.
  • Shorter working hours. The company sticks to 10 hour work days required at all levels of leadership.
  • The company provides weekly time off meaning you get more time to be with your family.
  • Health benefits to all employees.