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About Express®

Express is an American fashion company that caters mainly to young men and women. The company has grown to open over 625tores operating throughout the US, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Its headquarters are located in Columbus, Ohio and New York City. Express also includes lingerie and denim in its growing collections. Franchise agreements have seen the company increase its international footprint through Latin America and the Middle East.

Types of jobs you could find at Express®


Express is looking for a passionate, friendly, outgoing fashionista to add to their team in the position of a stylist. This position requires one to provide all customers with a personalized fitting experience. The person should be able to demonstrate selling techniques such as wardrobing and personalized merchandise assortment. Should be updated on the current fashion trends and have knowledge of all express products. Applicants should hold a high school diploma, and have excellent communication skills, be able to deal with all customers and be a team player. Prior experience working in the same position isn't required but is an added advantage.

Sales Associate

Responsibilities include; offering customer assistance when needed, ensure all merchandise is properly displayed and available to customers, and process customer payments in good time. Additional tasks will include; stocking merchandise, folding, cleaning and any other assigned tasks. Applicants should hold a high school diploma, have knowledge of all express products, be able to work on their feet, and have excellent verbal communication skills.

Stock Expert

To efficiently meet customer demand, the stock expert will be in charge of leveraging flow of all merchandise ensuring products are always available for customers. Other responsibilities required include; ensuring that products are processed and handled in line with UPH standards and handling product placement on the sales floor. Applicants should hold a high school diploma and have prior experience working in the same position.

Why People Recommend Working at Express®

  • Great management team that care for its employees.
  • Offers competitive pay.
  • Associates enjoy 40% discount.