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About Dentsply®

Dentsply International is an American dental equipment maker and dental consumables producer that markets its products in over 120 countries (factories in 21 countries). It is a leader in consumable dental products. As an equipment maker it designs and manufactures laboratory and specialty products relating to dental supplies. With regards to consumable products it specializes in anesthetics, plaque and gum disease prevention (prophylaxis) and tooth polishers; It also designs and constructs artificial teeth. Because of the income disparity between wealthy and developing nations the variety of products in demand differs from region to region (and thus subsidiary to subsidiary since many of them are regional). In 2010 the most important markets for sales were Europe & CIS (40%), USA (37%), Latin America (5%), Asia (excl CIS and Japan, 5%), Canada 4%, Japan (4%), Middle East & Africa (3%) and Australia (2%). The largest market that Dentsply holds a leading market share in is the dental restorative sector ($4.0 billion according to the company). Markets outside the United States are becoming increasingly important: they accounted for 67% of company revenue in 2013 steady with 2012 but up from 66% and 63% the previous two years. For 2012 acquisitions contributed all of the growth in sales (16.2%, currency effects were -3.8%). 2012 sales growth by region: Europe 27.5% (vs 17.9% in 2011), USA 13.8% (vs 4.9%), elsewhere 15.9% (vs 9.4%). 88% of net sales were in dental products, 12% from consumable medical device products (casting industry).

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview process at Dentsply is similar to competitors. There is a common skills assessment which covers subjects including but not limited to reading, writing, speaking, and simple math. Applicants must bring their resume with them to the interview. Some applicants go through a online screening prior to progressing to an in person interview. Former employees have reported that it is important to show that you are capable of coping with stressful situations, working in a fast paced setting, have a flexible schedule, and communicating with colleagues. Once through the application process, all new employees are required to go through a formal training.