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About Day & Zimmermann®

The Day & Zimmermann company was founded in 1901. Its corporate office is at 1500 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA 19130. Day & Zimmermann is one of America's leading producers of ammunition, operating several government-owned facilities. In FY 2011 it worked on 351 contracts for U.S. Army worth 151.8 million dollars. The company first came to prominence when the Hershey chocolate company contracted it to produce the foil wrapper for their Hershey's Kisses. It assisted in the construction of Veteran's Stadium in Philadelphia in the early 1970s. In 1961 Day & Zimmermann and Yoh Company merged. In 1976 Spike Yoh bought the company from his father and was the CEO for twenty-two years. He graduated from Duke University and one school facility is named Duke's Yoh Football Center. In 1998 his son Hal Yoh became the company's leader. In that year Day & Zimmermann was the recipient of the National Family Business of the Year award. The company has an annual revenue of $2.5 Billion and is ranked by Forbes as one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview procedure at Day & Zimmermann is typical. There is a common skills assessment which covers subjects including but not limited to reading, writing, articulation, and basic math. Applicants must bring their resume with them to the interview. Some applicants go through a email screening prior to progressing to an in person interview. Former employees have reported that it is important to show that you are capable of coping with stressful situations, working in a fast paced environment, have a flexible schedule, and collaborating with colleagues. Once through the interview process, all new hires are required to go through a basic training.