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About Culver's®

Culver's, a family-owned company based in the Midwest, is a franchised, casual American style restaurant chain made popular by one of its principal menu items; frozen custard. Inside storefronts adorned with the company's signature blue and white motif, Culver's serves customers butter-basted hamburgers and hand-crafted frozen custard, a high fat ice cream renowned in Wisconsin. Customers enjoy a casual dining experience by ordering at the counter and having their made-to-order meal delivered directly to their table. Or, they can order on-the-go via the restaurant's drive-through option. With over 200 franchises across the Midwest, Texas, and Kentucky, Culver's is a small, growing fast food chain that competes well with other burger franchises.

Types of jobs you could find at Culver's®


Culver's is looking for an energetic and friendly person to add to their team. Responsibilities include processing customer payments, welcoming guests, and answering all phone inquiries. Applicants should be able to work on their feet, have basic calculation skills and should be ready to work in a team.

Team Member

Responsibilities include; assisting guests with menu descriptions, taking guest orders, serving guests with ordered food and beverages and processing guest payments. This position requires somebody who is friendly and is able to handle all guests serving them with Culver's known hospitality. Applicants should have excellent verbal communication skills, be able to work on their feet for long periods of time, and work as a team member.


This porter will be responsible for ensuring the interior and exterior of the restaurant are always clean and schedule maintenance checks for all restaurant equipment. Applicants should be able to work without supervision, physical fit to handle heavy trolleys, and be ready to work well with co-workers.

Why People Recommend Working at Culver's®

  • Flexible work hours.
  • Excellent team of co-workers.
  • Good employee discount on food.