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About Con-way/XPO Logistics®

Located in Ann Arbor Charter Township in Michigan, Con-way is a freight transportation and logistics company. The company is currently the third-largest logistics and transportation company in the United States, with annual revenues exceeding $5.5 billion. The company offers its services through its primary operating companies which include Menlo Worldwide, Con-way Freight, and Con-way Truckload. These units have enabled the company to provide warehousing, logistics, and supply chain management among other key services. Established in 1929, the company has grown to become a successful transportation company it is today. It provides expedite, global forwarding, last mile, and supply chain services to a number of companies. Con-way's key values are responsiveness, trustworthy, commitment to excellence and safety. The company provides pivotal supply chain solutions to some of the most successful and respected companies in America and beyond. This is why the company is seeking to bring onboard qualified and experienced employees to help it realize its goals.

Types of jobs you could find at Con-way/XPO Logistics®

Customer service specialist

CRST Transportation International is seeking a self oriented and dedicated customer care specialist to provide information and services to its customers. The customer service specialist will serve as a point of contact for agents, customers, and logistics centers. Essential duties and responsibilities include tracing shipments for customers and booking agents, providing systems updates and maintenance; and investigating and solving service issues among other things. A high school diploma is required for this position.


CRST is also looking for qualified truck drivers with the ability to face challenges heads on, courage and determination. Drivers will be given the best training to enable them deliver as per the company's expectations. The company offers competitive pay for first time drivers as well as experienced drivers. All drivers are paid vacation and 401k. To be considered for this position, you must have a valid driver's license and be a resident of the city you are applying from.

Why People Recommend Working at Con-way/XPO Logistics®

  • CRST international offers competitive pay to all its employees with several benefits attached.
  • Employees also get to enjoy paid time off leap every year.
  • Life insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance benefits to all employees.
  • Medical insurance and wellness plans.