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About Convergys®

Convergys provides customer care and support services to clients. Our mission goal is to make sure that our clients are able to maintain exceptional relationships with their customers. We serve multiple industries including automotive, utilities, technology and retail. Our services include analytics, customer care, technical support, and collections. Convergys can solve your customer related challenges no matter how complicated the issue may be.

Types of jobs you could find at Convergys®

Sales and Service Representative

Our Sales Representative will ensure that the customer?s wants and requirements are met through a first contact resolution. In every call they make, they have the responsibility of selling the service that will best resolve the customer's issue.

Support Professional

This individual is responsible for assisting people and giving out any advice that may be required. He or she will maintain communication with customers around the world to ensure that they are provided with any support they need.

Customer Service Agent

A customer service agent will assure the customers of the willingness of the company to assist them in the best way possible. They identify the needs of the customer and determine the appropriate solution for their need. They will provide a professional experience to each and every customer, without discrimination.

Why People Recommend Working at Convergys®

  • Employees will benefit from a massive networking opportunity.
  • Overtime compensation is available.
  • Management holds contests and encourages employees to perform their best.