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About Chuck E. Cheese's®

Chuck E. Cheese's is an entertainment company that provides quality services to our members. This is done by providing quality food and entertainment services. We also provide fun activities and give exceptional values and satisfaction to our guests.

Types of jobs you could find at Chuck E. Cheese's®

Kitchen Attendant

The kitchen attendant will ensure that quality food is provided to the guests. He/she must be 18 years or older.

Assistant Technician

The key responsibility of an assistant technician will include operating the stage show equipment. They maintain and repair the equipment and replace the electronic components that have become defective.

Game room Attendant

The game room attendant will ensure that the costume character room is kept clean and is well organized. They will also make sure all games are working properly. They will assist in providing a safe, clean and fun environment for all guests.

Why People Recommend Working at Chuck E. Cheese's®

  • Working to make sure kids are having a great time makes this job fun and exciting.
  • Employees enjoy free food and drinks.
  • Lots of laughter and great cast members make a great atmosphere.