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About Celgene®

Celgene Corporation is an American biotechnology company that manufactures drug therapies for cancer and inflammatory disorders. It is incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Summit, New Jersey. The company's major products are Thalomid (thalidomide), which is approved for the acute treatment of the cutaneous manifestations of moderate to severe erythema nodosum leprosum ("ENL"), as well as in combination with dexamethasone for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma, and Revlimid (lenalidomide), for which the company has received FDA and EMA approval in combination with dexamethasone for the treatment of multiple myeloma patients who have received at least one prior therapy. Revlimid is also approved in the United States for the treatment of patients with transfusion-dependent anemia due to Low- or Intermediate-1-risk Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) associated with a deletion 5q cytogenetic abnormality with or without additional cytogenetic abnormalities. Both Thalomid and Revlimid are sold through proprietary risk-management distribution programs to ensure safe and appropriate use of these pharmaceuticals. Vidaza is approved for the treatment of patients with MDS. Celgene also receives royalties from Novartis Pharma AG on sales of the entire Ritalin family of drugs, which are widely used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Celgene Cellular Therapeutics, a subsidiary, is a public cord blood bank.