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About Carl's Jr.®

Carl's Jr. is an American fast-food restaurant chain that has been in operation since 1950.The restaurant has grown from humble beginning to an internationally recognized food chain. The restaurant operates in western and south-western states expanding its root internationally. Its headquarters are located in Carpentaria, California. The chain has now grown to over 1300 restaurants internationally due to its quality food service and innovative concepts. The restaurant was among the first pioneers in the introduction of self-service bars and partial table service. The restaurant is famous for its signature creations such as its six dollar burger and charbroiled burgers. The menu at Carl's Jr features breakfast items, salads, chicken, sides, and desserts among other items.

Types of jobs you could find at Carl's Jr.®

Crew Member

Carl's Jr. is looking for a cheerful, friendly and fun person to add to their team. The crew member that will serve its delicious foods to all its customers. Other tasks required of the crew member include; handling cash transactions, ensuring restaurant stays clean, food preparation, and answer to any customer inquiries. Applicants for this position should hold a high school diploma and be ready to work in a team.


To keep up with its customer demands, Carl Jr is looking for a cook who can serve customers with its famous foods. The cook will be responsible for all kitchen operations within the restaurant. Responsibilities include; food preparation, ensuring kitchen stays clean and cook food ordered by customers in time. Applicants should have high school diploma, relevant experience working in the same position and be able to work under pressure.


The cashier will be responsible for handling all cash transactions within the restaurant. Applicants should hold a high school diploma, have experience working in the same position and be a team player.

Why People Recommend Working at Carl's Jr.®

  • Employees enjoy a 50% discount on the food.
  • Work is very flexible.
  • The management really cares about employees.