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About Bj's Wholesale Club®

BJ's Wholesale Club, typically referred to as BJ's is a warehouse chain that operates predominantly on the east coast of the United States. The store requires its customers to hold a membership or they'll be subjected to higher prices. The company was founded in 1984 and is owned by Leonard Green & Partners along with CVC Capital Partners. Customers find an array of items for sale in BJ's stores including food and drink, electronics, health and beauty care items and even home furnishings. The company's economy size products are ideal for large families and customers who are looking to save money by buying items in bulk. Yet the company didn't start out with this specific business model. It began as a discount department store in Medford, Massachusetts with the name of Zayre. The company was sold to Ames in 1988 and later sold to the forementioned Leonard Green / CVC Capital Partners in 2011. Today, BJ's operates in 15 states and employs 25,000 people. Some BJ's offer special services outside of food, electronics and home furnishings. Certain locations sell gasoline, propane, home heating oil, vacation packages and car rentals.