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About Bemis Manufacturing Company®

The Bemis Manufacturing Company is an American manufacturing company based in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin and is best known for its toilet seat products. Bemis also manufactures plastic lawn, commercial, and indoor furniture, suction canisters, sharps containers, fluid management systems, gas caps, gauges and various contracted extrusion and injection molded plastic parts for companies such as John Deere and Whirlpool Corporation. The company is a pioneer of co-injection molding, a process in which virgin resin is injected with scrap plastic. Bemis' plastic work has won a number of awards in the SPI Structural Plastics Div. design competition, particularly with the John Deere 7000 tractor, which is believed to represent the first instance of coinjection molding "to large parts where a recycled engineering material (ABS) is used in the core".

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview process at Bemis Manufacturing Company is similar to competitors. There is a basic skills assessment which covers topics including but not limited to reading, writing, speaking, and simple math. Applicants must bring their resume with them to the interview. Some applicants go through a phone screening prior to progressing to an in person interview. Former employees have reported that it is important to show that you are capable of handling stressful situations, working in a fast paced setting, have a flexible schedule, and communicating with colleagues. Once through the interview process, all new employees are required to go through a introductory training.