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About A&W®

A&W Restaurants, a subsidiary of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, is a casual, fast food restaurant chain famous for being the first success food franchise in the United States. Customers visit over 1100 United States and international locations for the company's signature root beer and root beer floats and dine on food dishes including hamburgers, hot dogs, cheese curds, breaded chicken tenders, and thick ice cream treats called Polar Swirls. Select locations still operate as drive-in eateries, while others maintain a casual, sit-down atmosphere.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The interview process at A&W Restaurants mainly involves submitting an application, either in-person at a franchise location or job fair, or online, and then either following up with a phone call or waiting to receive one from management. At the scheduled interview, the candidate will need to discuss experience with food and cash handling and answer various interview questions, depending on the location. Some included "What is your worst quality (as an employee)," "Is the customer always right?" and "What would you do if a customer did not like the food?"