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About Applebee's®

Applebee's is an American grill and bar that is in the casual dining industry. With over 30,000 people working for it, the company has been able to operate across the world. Applebee strives to provide the best food and atmosphere possible. Operating in one of the most competitive industries, Applebee's has remained a reckoning force in this sector over the years due to the high-quality service the company has maintained in all of its branches.

Types of jobs you could find at Applebee's®


Servers will be responsible for providing quality and timely service, delivering food and drinks, and clearing and resetting dining room tables. The environment is fast paced and demands the ability to bend, kneel and lift trays that can weigh 25 pounds.


The primary responsibilities for this position are greeting and seating all customers in a friendly manner. This person will be required to manage the wait list and provide any special accommodations needed. Minimum age for this position is 16.


Responsibilities of a bartender include mixing and service alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. He or she will serve food and drinks to guests in the bar area in a timely manner. Candidates should be able to stand during entire shift and be able to operate blenders and other bar equipment.

Why People Recommend Working at Applebee's®

  • Offers a good working environment.
  • The order system is easy to use and the dishes are easy to remember.
  • Applebee's offers a flexible schedule and a fun work environment.