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About Ancestry.com, Inc.®

Ancestry.com LLC is a privately held Internet company based in Provo, Utah, United States. The largest for-profit genealogy company in the world, it operates a network of genealogical and historical record websites focused on the United States and nine foreign countries, develops and markets genealogical software, and offers a wide array of genealogical related services. As of June 2014, the company provided access to approximately 16 billion historical records and over 2 million paying subscribers. User-generated content tallies to more than 70 million family trees and subscribers have added more than 200 million photographs, scanned documents and written stories. Ancestry's brands include Ancestry, AncestryDNA, AncestryHealth, AncestryProGenealogists, Family Tree Maker, Fold3, Newspapers.com, Find a Grave, Archives.com, and Rootsweb. Under its subsidiaries, Ancestry.com operates foreign sites that provide access to services and records specific to other countries in the languages of those countries. These include several countries in Europe (covered by Ancestry Information Operations Company) as well as Australia and Canada.