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About ABC Pest and Lawn®

Family-owned since 1949, ABC prides itself on providing friendly and exceptional pest and lawn services to its customers. ABC promises to be professional and environmentally responsible while striving to do the job right the first time. ABC is customer-driven first and foremost, offering its services in Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia and Florida. ABC is capable of handling all of your pest related issues, including termites, rodents and more. ABC professionals are also equipped to handle basic lawn tasks like mowing, and ABC is also able to handle advanced jobs such as landscaping. Further, if you need a custom job for a new swimming pool, ABC has the team in place to make it happen.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Applicants apply to ABC through an online application, but it is reported to be a difficult interview process. The delay between applying and hiring can be as much as six months, and the negotiations during the process can be pushy. However, there do not seem to be any difficult questions asked during the hiring process, so it seems likely that being a good fit for the company plays a key role in the interview and hiring process for ABC.